Friday 19 August 2016

An introduction.

Whilst wondering how I should be starting this blog I realised that often I feel the need on social media to try and make my life appear extraordinary. We see it on Facebook everyday, people posting pictures so that they appear - Cool , successful , beautiful , ... sometimes I wonder how much of it really is a correct illustration of the lives I see in pictures everyday. Online our lives are exempt from the mundane. I can create an enhanced version of myself . At a glance, it might appear that i lead a life of excitement and adventure, when in fact I have to go to work everyday and listen to my managers who I don't always agree with, work long hours and feel my life is boring and mundane . People see only the public glories when they see a successful person but all their sacrifices and hard work getting there are unnoticed.

That been said. I am everything normal; I wish I could loose my post pregnant weight and my hair is unwashed as i sit here on my bed next to my baby son of three months. His Daddy is in the Philippines and we are here in the UK. Life and governments have us split up although we want to be together. Life is hard but we have faith that things do work out. I have seen the world and traveled my childhood dreams,  which now  just sit there on memory , electrical impulses stored and feeling like they happened so very long ago . Now I sit here day after day looking after a child I love and following the same path with his pram , singing the same songs to him to bring a smile onto his little face and life is happy in all those small moments that I forget the bigger picture,
We take pictures and post them on Facebook - I am smiling and he is doing what he does best - being cute, but reality has it that I am very uncertain of my future. I do not have a home or a country to live in at this stage. His father does not have a job as the job we had does not allow us to travel with a child.  Life however,  is also exciting , it is so unknown it can be anything we want to make it. It is like we are starting it all over again. Like those Facebook posts creating how we'd like to be seen , I can create who I want to be, the life I  want us to live. The road may be long but life can change , situations can change. God can create beautiful things from nothing.